Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Got Peanuts?

Tonight, I decided to revisit my piano and challenge myself in maintaining what instrument-playing skill I have left. (To be quite honest, it has been months since I've last played my piano.) I went through my piano books - after playing some relaxing video game music (Chronocross - "Reminiscence" and Kingdom Hearts II - "Lazy Afternoons"), I stumbled upon one of my classic favorites from childhood... "The Peanuts Song"!! (By the way, the correct song title is "Linus and Lucy" from an animated cartoon based on a woe-is-me character named Charlie Brown, which originated from the comic strip called Peanuts. But it just sounds so much more fun to call it "The Peanuts Song".) Now if only I could play these songs as fluidly as these YouTube examples provided here... I admit I purposefully did not provide videos of me playing these songs as you would cringe and say as Charlie Brown would: "Good grief!"

If you have never read the comic strip or watched this animated cartoon (or if you just love it as much as I do), please enjoy these clips for a good laugh:

Good Grief, Charlie Brown

Lucy Analyzes Charlie Brown

Speaking of peanuts, they make a great snack or garnish over food. Not everyone likes or can eat peanuts, but count me in as a peanut-liker and eater! I personally prefer the peanuts that are offered outside of their shell already as those shells are ridiculous! How so? If you crack them with your hands, they can cut your fingers or otherwise create an inflamed rash from rubbing against the hard outer shell as you try to open it,... in addition to leaving a white dusty mess whether or not you use your hands or a tool to open the shell! It is just frustrating if you ask me. But when you're hungry and all you have are peanuts in their shells, if you're not allergic, you might as well give it a go.

There are many types of peanuts available: salted, lightly salted, unsalted, dry-roasted, oil-roasted, caramelized or candied, etc. One type of peanut I recently enjoyed when vacationing in Manhattan, New York earlier this year is the honey-roasted peanut from the Nuts 4 Nuts carts I observed throughout most if not all of Manhattan.

Yet, the honey-roasted almonds from these Nuts 4 Nuts carts trump the honey-roasted peanuts,... but almonds are a completely different story in my opinion. Whatever the case, if you like nuts and happen to be in Manhattan, New York, hit up a Nuts 4 Nuts cart and grab a deal (they'll most likely offer one bag of honey-roasted almonds and two bags of honey-roasted peanuts for $3-5, depending on how well you can bargain; keep in mind that the regular price per bag of nuts is supposed to be $2.50-3.50). It is definitely worth the experience for the typical nut-lover. Enjoy it if you get the chance!

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