Friday, April 1, 2011

A love and hate relationship with sports

I used to play tennis very competitively in my adolescent years, but as I've been getting older, although I'm not THAT old but aging is aging =P, I have been finding it difficult to have a continuous type of hitting style. For instance, at some time during a year, possibly depending how much I play per week or per month, I will be playing well which means to me that I'm hitting my shots with power, speed, and accuracy. Then at another point in time during the following year, I feel like I've lost an element or two such as I've lost the ability to anticipate before hitting my shots on either the backhand or forehand, or I've just forgotten how to hit my forehand with power, speed, and accuracy all together... my dad (who taught me how to play this sport) used to tell me that tennis is a weird game. He says this because you cannot play this sport the same way every day - one day you can be playing great, and the next day you can be playing very poorly. Well... I agree! Tennis is a very weird game! Yet it can definitely be fun and can be a great form of exercise =)
So it has been nearly two years at this point since I've felt that I've played really well - during the past two years, I really started not caring about playing tennis, which was really a drag and put somewhat a dampener on my mood whenever I thought about having to play this sport. However, I highly doubt I will ever quit playing this sport because my dad is highly involved in captaining recreation-competitive tennis teams where he needs me to play on these teams, and I have so many friends who play in these recreation-competitive tennis leagues / teams, so it will be very difficult to abandon. Luckily, I'm recently getting back into it =D Just today, (where I played a recreation-competitive tennis match in mixed doubles this very evening with a very good friend of mine and awesome tennis player)... I finally felt that enjoyment for the sport again =) YAY!
Have any of you ever felt the love for a sport so much that eventually, you grew to hate it, but then something sparked your enjoyment for it again? What is your experience?

1 comment:

  1. I might have just become a Nadal fan due to his responses in this interview:
    I think it's interesting that Nadal felt he might have gotten nervous aside from being tired in the final round of the relevant tournament (Sony Ericsson Open - Miami). Even the great Federer is being rumored to be showing more and more nerves when playing his tennis matches nowadays. If any of you have thoughts to share on this, feel free ;)
